Hi guys !
Today I am
going to share some of my findings on password resetting vulnerability which I
found recently.
So while
testing mostly I start with login and password resetting functionality. These
two functionalities are very critical in any application. If you bypass login
functionality you can take over the account and sometime by using password reset
functionality you also can compromise an account. So both of these functionalities
are very crucial for pentesting and application security.
testing most of the sites I found that they implement login mechanism and
password functionality properly but some time due to some poor logic or minor
flow error it can be vulnerable. So always analyze login and password reset
functionality and think what you could do to exploit these using logical flaws.
Sometime the exploitation process is not so easy and some other time it can be
done in easy way.
So let’s
start with the Password reset vulnerability I found when performing a pentest.
I started looking into application which appeared nice (because it was a dating
site :) ). I explored all the functionalities
and understood the application work flow which helped me in finding
vulnerabilities. Then I focused on the login mechanism. I tried some test cases
for authentication bypass but FAILED :(
Now what ?
I asked
myself do I need to start testing for common flaws like SQLi,XSS,CSRF ? No
I thought of
giving them a try after sometime.
Moving on
password reset page. And started analyzing it.
When I
visited password reset page it asked me to enter email or user id which is
quite common thing in such page and I did enter the email id and got the password
reset token in my mail. (I already had an account for testing that site)
After that I used that token link and reset my password ,everything
worked fine and password was successfully changed.
Then I started
analyzing the password reset token link that I got clicking on the link
provided in the mail. It look quite the same as shown below.
I realize
that token parameter value is looking like hashed with MD5. I Started
decrypting but unable to do the same.
I collected more tokens and analyzed but did not get anything
analyzing suddenly I found that two types of token links were being used, one
was when they are sending token on mail (as i mentioned above) and another was
when I was using token as shown below
So now I had
two token links
first : https://site.com/qw_email/link/ac=VG5wTk1FNVVXVE5OVkd0M1RtcFJlZz09&req=21
(what i got in my mail )
second :
https://site.com/token=7c8bab06c29d8264e391d317744b17e0&lang=en (what i got
after clicking the above link)
Second token
was impossible to decrypt !
Now looking
into first token which was in my mail. I found that it was not looking like it is
It was
something else.
So I tried
to decode it with different decoding techniques but I did not get anything
interesting. But after sometime i decode the same with base64 contenuously and
after some attempts finally I found some numeric value. :)
Now it's
time to understand about numeric value.
Earlier when
I was trying to understand about application workflow, I found that the user id
value they are using is numeric, so
immediately I opened my profile and matched that numeric value and yeah ! that
value was same.
So I found
that 'ac' parameter is having user id value with thrice base64 encoded.
From my analysis what I got was , when user
click on "Reset your password now".First token was send to the email
id which contains ac parameter value (the encoded form of userid) and a req
parameter. By clicking on that link it requests for second token from server
side by validating user id which is there in the first token to get the reset
password form.
I needed to cross
check it with another user account.So I created another account and note down
the user id value, then encoded it thrice using base64.
UserId = 562199544561
Encoded = VGxSWmVVMVVhelZPVkZFd1RsUlplQT09
Then crafted
a password reset token which looks as follows:
By using
this link I was able to reset the password for other user account. Similarly i
just need to enumerate the userid (which was possible in that application) then
request a password reset in my own account. After getting the password reset
link change the ac parameter value to the thrice base64 encoded value of victim
account or the account I enumerated. By clicking on the link it will provide me
the password reset form to takeover the victim account.
nice find...congo......
ReplyDeleteThanks :)